5 Simple Sustainable Business Practices to Implement
How does your business practice stack up?
Most people use sustainable practices when it comes to their personal life. But when it comes to the practice of their business, people tend to overlook their waste.
Are you looking to change that?
We know that small businesses are the engine behind employment. That’s why we’re giving you a sustainable business practices checklist. Here are several to help you get started.
1. Utilizing Clean, Renewable Energy Sources
Replace old bulbs and other outdated equipment with an LED or CFL alternative. Install solar panels to use solar energy for electricity or hot water.
Invest in solar battery storage to use renewable energy even during cloudy days. Wind turbines can also be used to provide electricity and heat for the building.
You can also consider redesigning offices to save energy. For example, dark windows reduce the amount of light shining through windows. This reduces the amount of energy used to cool or heat a building. This can reduce monthly energy bills and improve energy savings. Read the full article on ecoarcfilms.com about this.
2. Reducing Employee Business Commutes
Offer telecommuting for employees who can do their job from home. Offer incentives for using public transportation or fuel-saving vehicles. You can stagger employee start times to lessen the traffic load coming into the office.
Provide parking for carpool vehicles or hybrid vehicles that promote fuel conservation. If you are in an area with a functional bicycle-sharing program, offer incentives for employees to choose this form of commuting.
Encourage employees to teleconference or video conference with clients, vendors, and other businesses. This helps cut down on necessary commutes.
3. Enhancing Recycle and Reuse Programs
There are several ways to implement sustainability in their recycling and reuse programs. This includes:
- recycling shipping and storage materials
- reducing packaging on products
- distributing reusable containers
- reusing office and warehouse supplies
Encourage customers to return and reuse packaging materials. Or donate old items to organizations like schools, charities, and other community programs.
4. Supporting Responsible Suppliers and Partners
Adopt an ethical code of conduct for all members of the supply chain. You can also avoid selling unsustainable goods and services. Carry out an audit of suppliers for compliance with the code of conduct.
Ensure that social and environmental are considerations in the supplier and partner assessment. Have an active involvement in the upstream supply chain. Work with suppliers to promote sustainable production and sourcing methods.
5. Establishing a Waste Reduction Strategy
Utilizing reusable packagings such as pallets and crates is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce waste. Utilizing reusable storage containers and purchasing packaging supplies in bulk can reduce packaging waste.
Businesses should also look to compostable and biodegradable packaging when possible. Analyze packaging materials to create a package size that fits its customers’ needs most sustainably. Any unused or damaged materials should be reused or donated, respectively, to maximize their use without added costs.
Implement These Sustainable Business Practices Today
Sustainability is an important issue for businesses to address. Many simple, sustainable business practices can be implemented today. These practices can have real environmental and economic benefits, not to mention personal satisfaction.
Start implementing sustainable practices in your green business today and reap the benefits as soon as possible.
If you find these business practices useful, check out our other posts for more tips and tricks.