
7 Common Errors for Indoor Plant Care and How to Avoid Them

Are you a new plant owner? If so, then you’ll want to familiarize yourself with common errors in indoor plant care. Ignoring problems can cause irreversible harm to your plants, leading to their total demise.

Fortunately, problems can often be fixed during their earliest stages before irreversible damage is done. Reading up on proper care can help ensure you don’t harm your plants.

Be sure to read our guide for some common errors for indoor plant care. Knowing what to watch for can help you avoid harming your plants for many years to come.

1. Overwatering

Overwatering happens when too much water is applied to your indoor plant, causing root rot, a sign of plant stress from submerging their roots in water for a long period of time. The solution for this is to make sure water is able to drain off your pot and to avoid overwatering and underwatering plants. Check the soil before watering, and wait until the upper surface is dry to the touch before you water your plant.

This will help ensure your plant is getting enough hydration while not getting too much. Additionally, you should make sure the pot your plant is in is well-draining and it’s not sitting in a dish that can collect water while also preventing water from draining off the pot. This will help your plant stay free from root rot.

2. Not Enough Light

Without access to adequate light, indoor plants will stretch and become weakened, displaying pale or yellowish leaves. It is important to consider the needs of the specific plants, as some may need more light than other varieties. To avoid this common error, make sure the plants are placed in a location where they will get sunlight for 6-8 hours a day, depending on the amount of light needed for the particular plant.

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Invest in a store-bought grow light or create a makeshift sunroom to give enough light to plants that need more. Moving plants to a more sunny spot in the house during the winter is also a great way for them to get enough light. 

3. Incorrect Soil

This can lead to poor root development, uneven watering, and wilting. To avoid this mistake, it is important to choose the right soil for the plant. Some plants need specific soil mixes, while others need mixtures that are proper for their location and climate.

When selecting soil, it is also important to make sure it is well-draining and has enough organic material to give nutrition. Adding compost or mulch can also be beneficial. Ensure that the soil is moist and not too dry, as dry soil can cause the roots of the plant to dry out and die. 

4. Incorrect Temperature

Most indoor plants prefer mild climates and temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit with a 10 to 15-degree drop at night. Incorrect temperatures are one of the most common errors when it comes to indoor plant care and can be remedied in a variety of ways. To avoid low-temperature damage, make sure plants are placed in a warm area away from drafts, vents, and other cold spots.

Additionally, when adjusting temperature, it is important to do so and try to support some relative consistency. For example, sudden temperature changes (like placing an indoor plant outdoors) can cause wilting, dropping, and other issues.

5. Incorrect Humidity

Poor humidity levels can cause several problems, such as wilting, drooping leaves, or yellowing of leaves. Low humidity can also cause plants to be more susceptible to diseases and pests. The ideal humidity level for most plants is between 55 and 90% relative humidity.

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To achieve this level, it is important to give the plant adequate moisture. This can be done by misting the plant with a spray bottle, placing it on a humidity tray, or using a humidifier.

Keeping plants away from heating ducts, vents, and air conditioning units can also help to support the right amount of humidity. Lastly, you should make sure to check the humidity of the environment so that you can catch any changes or fluctuations in humidity that might occur.

6. Incorrect Potting

If a plant is planted in a pot that is too large, the plant’s roots may be overwatered, and its growth may be stunted. It is important to choose a pot that is only bigger than the root ball. This will allow the soil to stay moist but not too wet. On the other hand, if a pot is too small, the roots can’t spread out, and this can damage the plant beyond recovery.

To avoid these problems, err on the side of slightly larger rather than smaller and always use a pot with drainage holes in the bottom. Furthermore, the soil for potting should be the correct soil for the specific plant and not too nutrient-rich, as this can cause over-watering. By following these steps and proper potting, the indoor plant can then receive the correct balance of water, light, and nutrients for healthy growth.

7. Incorrect Fertilization

Incorrect fertilization could lead to stunted growth, wilting, discoloration of the leaves, and other undesirable effects. Plant nutrients need to be replenished when the soil is depleted; however, excessive amounts of fertilizer can cause plant burn and lead to a build-up of nutrients in the soil. With a proper fertilizing regimen, we can enjoy the benefits of indoor plants without damaging them.

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We should fertilize following the label instructions when the soil is slightly moist and choose a fertilizer that is proper for the types of plants being grown. Additionally, applying fertilizer too often can lead to a quickly becoming soil lacking not only water but also the essential nutrients and air the plant needs. 

Avoid These Errors for Indoor Plant Care

Indoor plants give houses vibrant energy and a sense of well-being, but they must properly care for to keep them healthy and alive. Common errors for indoor plant care can include improper watering, inadequate lighting, and temperature control.

By keeping in mind these points, having proper soil, and following the right fertilization schedule, you can easily take better care of your plants and avoid these common errors. With the right tools and knowledge, indoor plants can bring joy and harmony to your house. So what are you waiting for? Get planted!

Want to learn more about keeping your indoor plants healthy? Check out our blog for other helpful tips!

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