Skullcandy Crusher 2014, An Unbiased Overview
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Skullcandy Crusher 2014, An Unbiased Overview

The Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones are a great option if you’re looking for a set of headphones that will help you improve your listening skills. These headphones have a toggle at the right ear cup that lets you adjust bass levels and balance out the treble. But they don’t feel as sturdy as a set of over-the-ear headphones. Despite these drawbacks, Skullcandy is a great music tech company that makes great headphones and earbuds.

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Sound quality

The Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones provide good noise isolation and a good fit around your ears. They also feature a comfortable over-ear design. They have good bass performance and excellent audio quality. They also have a long battery life, lasting about 14 hours on a full charge.

The sound quality of these headphones is excellent, with a well-balanced midrange and clear highs. They do not have any noticeable distortion even at high volumes. The Crusher 2014 headphones also provide a good bass balance and have excellent noise cancellation.

The Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones feature low bass that is well reproduced. However, the headphones have a noticeable dip in mid-bass that can detract from the clarity of vocals and lead instruments. The treble is also a bit lacking, and the mids are a bit muffled compared to the rest of the frequency spectrum.

Design of the Headphone

The Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones are an excellent addition to the arsenal of any music lover. Their sleek design and impeccable sound quality are sure to spark conversation.

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In addition, the headphones are lightweight and come with a convenient carrying case. The headphones have a wide range of features, but the most important feature is their comfort. They are very lightweight, and don’t feel bulky on the head. The ear cups are padded, and they fit snugly around the head. They also come with a carrying pouch for easy storage. The headphones also have a synthetic leather ear-cup material that feels great against the ears.


If you are looking for a set of headphones that are both comfortable and offer a great sound, the Skullcandy Crusher 2014 is the right choice for you. These headphones come with a padded headband and synthetic leather ear cups, and they fold up easily for easy travel. The headphones also feature adjustable bass levels and a 3.5mm cable for convenience. These headphones also come with a 2-year warranty. The Skullcandy Crusher 2014 is a great addition to the arsenal of a music enthusiast.

Controls of Skullcandy Crusher

The controls of the Skullcandy Crusher 2014 are easy to understand. You simply press a single button to play or pause. The headphones feature a mechanical slider to control bass.


They also come with a free charger and a USB connection. If you’re looking for a pair of headphones that will fit comfortably in your backpack or on your head, the Crusher is the perfect accessory.


The Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones are compatible with many mobile phones. They also feature a microphone that allows you to take calls. However, the headset is not suitable for use with sports or while traveling.

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Think about this before you buy Skullcandy Crusher 2014

While the sound quality of the Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones is good, there are a few things to consider before purchasing them.

Price of Skullcandy Crusher 2014

First, they are not cheap. However, they do offer excellent sound quality for a good price. If you’re serious about enjoying your music, then you should definitely consider these headphones. They offer good bass for their price and are comfortable to wear.

The mid-range and bass response of the Skullcandy Crusher 2014 headphones are above average. They are fairly consistent in their mid-range response, with a slight dip at around 6KHz. This will make your mixes sound more forward.

Lacks in the Skullcandy Crusher Headphone

The headphones lack a volume control. Despite this, the sound quality is good, with a well-balanced midrange and clean highs. They also have a long battery life. It also lacks comfort for extended periods of time. While it works great for gaming, it isn’t ideal for long periods of computer use.

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